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Duke User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is an application that can help you to record your tasks to do and and track whether these tasks are finished.

2. Definition of Different Task

There are three types of task that can be recorded in Duke.

  1. Todo : Anything that you can do without any specification.
  2. Event : A Task that you can do with specification of venue.
  3. Deadline : A Task that you can do with with specification of time, in the format of dd/MM/YYYY HHmm. You can also edit the time if there is any update.

3. Features

3.1. Add Task

Add any task that haven’t done to Duke.

3.2. Delete Task

Delete the task that is in Duke.

3.3. Mark Task as Done

Mark any undone task in Duke to be done.

3.4. Edit Deadline

Edit the time of Deadline.

3.5. Find Tasks with Certain Keyword

Use keyword to search for tasks in Duke that contain the same word.

3.6. List all Task in Duke

View all the existing tasks in Duke in a list order.

3.7. Terminate Duke

Stop Duke from running and terminate it.

4. Usage

4.1 todo - Add todo task to Duke

format : todo DESCRIPTION

Add todo task to Duke, and Duke will show the information of the succeed todo.

Example of usage:

todo sleep

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:

[T][✘] sleep

Now you have NUMBER tasks in the list.

4.2 event - Add event task to Duke

format : event DESCRIPTION /at PLACE

Add event task to Duke, and Duke will show the information of the succeed todo.

Example of usage:

event sleep /at home

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:

[E][✘] sleep(at: home)

Now you have NUMBER tasks in the list.

4.3 deadline - Add deadline task to Duke

format : deadline DESCRIPTION /by dd/MM/YYYY HHmm

Add deadline task to Duke, and Duke will show the information of the succeed todo.

Example of usage:

deadline sleep /by 06/09/2019 2200

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:


Now you have NUMBER tasks in the list.

4.4 delete - Delete an Existing Task in Duke

format : delete INDEX

Delete a task in the list.

Example of usage:

delete 4

Expected outcome:

Noted. I have removed this task:


Now you have NUMBER tasks in the list.

4.5 done - Mark an Existing Task as Done

format : done INDEX

Mark a task as done in the list.

Example of usage:

done 4

Expected outcome:

Nice! I have marked this task as done:


4.6 edit - Edit the Time of a Deadline Task in Duke

format : edit INDEX dd/MM/YYYY HHmm

Update the time of a deadline task in the list.

Example of usage:

edit 10 02/10/2023 1800

Expected outcome:

Got it. I have edited this task:


Now you have NUMBER tasks in the list.

4.7 find - Find All Task that Contains Keyword

format : find KEYWORD

Find all the tasks that contains the keyword in Duke.

Example of usage:

find sleep

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:

And list all the matching tasks in this format:


4.8 list - List All the Tasks in Duke

format : list

List all the tasks in Duke.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

List all the matching tasks in this format:


4.8 bye - Terminate Duke

format : bye

Terminate Duke and close window after 3 second.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

And close the window after 3 seconds.